Around 50 people gathered at the Fox & Hounds on Saturday 6 July for our summer BBQ and inaugural AGM. With the sun shining it was the perfect way to end our first year.
Looking at the film posters arrayed along the pub garden wall it was hard to imagine how we managed to cram in so many great films: where did the time go?
The Chair’s report cast a backward glance across the most significant numbers of the year, reproduced below for posterity:
- 0 = the number of times we’ve had to cancel a show because of major technical difficulties;
- 2 = the number of projectors we use (including the High Definition kit we borrow from Creative Rural Communities;
- 3 = the number of special events we hosted in the first year (Best Exotic Marigold Hotel grand launch; the Christmas charity fund raiser; and the James Bond theme night);
- 10 = the number of performances our most loyal audience members have attended. Mick and Sheila Mace (of course!) were presented with a bottle of bubbly by way of thanks;
- 60 = the number of new chairs we plan to buy later this summer with grant money from Creative Rural Communities;
- 247 = the number of ice creams consumed at screenings over the course of the year;
- 497 = the total number of tickets we sold during the year.
This was followed by the Treasurer’s report, which made for very happy listening: we generated a decent surplus through membership subs, tickets sales and concessions, which we plan to invest in new equipment and special events next season. A copy of the draft accounts is available here: Draft Accounts.
The final business of the afternoon involved electing the new committee, and the existing members were returned unopposed (Chair: Jim Barratt; Treasurer: Paul Jenkins; Membership Secretary: Gareth Tickner).
Here’s to the next year!