As if there wasn’t enough going on this summer, we’re hosting our inaugural BBQ and AGM in the afternoon before our final screening of the season.

The event starts at 5pm on Saturday 6 July with a pay-as-you-go barbecue at the Fox and Hounds. Families are most welcome, and we’re aiming for a relaxed, sociable occasion.

This will be interrupted at 6pm with the briefest of formalities as members elect their new committee. If you’re a member and you’d like to nominate someone for the position of Chair, Treasurer or Membership Secretary, please email with details to

That should leave plenty of time for further conviviality before ticket holders need to head to the Village hall for Django Unchained (doors open at 7.30pm, screening starts at 8.00pm).

Although booking is not required for the BBQ, please let us know if you plan to attend so we can pass numbers on to the pub.