Each year the British Federation of Film Societies (BFFS) hosts its annual conference and prestigious Film Society of the Year Awards. This year’s event, over the weekend of 21/22 September, takes place in London at the Institut français and BFI Southbank.
Any BFFS member can apply to be considered for the Awards, and we thought we’d take a shot at the Best New Society category. We’ll be putting an application together in the next few weeks. If you think we deserve recognition for our first year of operation, we’d like to include a selection of testimonials. You can email your support to llancarfancine@gmail.com or drop us a line at Longwood House, Llancarfan, CF62 3AD.
In addition, we’d like your help with another of the Awards categories: The Filmbank Audience Award. There’s a chance to win £1,000 for the Community Cinema, which we’d invest in new equipment. All you have to do is email us (llancarfancine@gmail.com) with a response to the following question in 100 words or fewer:
How has your community cinema used film screening events to engage your local community?
The deadline for Awards applications is Thursday 8 August, so we’d love to hear from you as soon as possible. Thanks, and fingers crossed!