A host of hardy souls gathered last Friday for our Gothic double bill, braving suitably foul weather that only added to the occasion.

Safe inside the hall, our films (Rebecca and The Shining) played out with firelight flickering from the hearth, and both classics dazzled courtesy of our new screen and HD projector.

This was a special performance in more ways than one. As the programme notes explain (available here to download), we’re grateful to Film Hub Wales for supporting the event with money from the BFI’s Programme Development Fund as part of the Wales Goes Dark season. Equal thanks should go to the BFI for launching their nationwide Gothic extravaganza and giving us this opportunity to programme something a bit different.

The programme notes also contain an edited extract from Ian Fell’s forthcoming piece in the Llancarfan Society newsletter, which examines the links between Llancarfan’s own Gothic history (embodied in St Cadoc’s Church’s wonderful wall paintings), St George and no lesser a figure than Dracula! Our thanks to Ian for allowing us to reprint the text.

But of course, our final thanks must go to everyone who attended on Friday and made it such an enjoyable evening. We trust you slept soundly…