
We decided to host a stall at this year’s Llancarfan Village Show, and what a good decision it turned out to be. The idea was simple enough: pitch a tent, sell ice creams, provide some film-themed diversions and raise awareness among those who might not have come across us before.


The ices flew out of the freezer thanks to the warm weather, and our prize competition (guess the number of bits of popcorn in a glass jar) proved a popular challenge. Gary Osborn carried away the prize (four free cinema tickets, a bottle of bubbly and a cycle helmet kindly donated by Cowbridge Guide), after guessing closest to the total (618).


Inside the stall we displayed several rare 1950s film magazines on loan from Rich Tamplin, evoking the golden age of Hollywood and British cinema. We also sold a selection of donated DVDs, and we plan to do similar at all future screenings; so if you have any unwanted discs, we’ll gladly take them off your hands!

All told we raised £123.50 for our new equipment fund, so thanks to everyone who visited. We look forward to seeing you again next year!