The Woman in Black: Friday 19 October

The Woman in Black: Friday 19 October

“A hoot of an old-fashioned British horror film.” The Hollywood Reporter “Director James Watkins expertly uses shadows and empty spaces to create a percolating sense of dread.” The Daily Telegraph We’re now taking advance bookings for our second screening, THE...

Membership perks

We’ve been hugely encouraged by the support shown for our membership scheme. Income from subs helps to underwrite our film programme and provides a degree of financial security, enabling us to plan future events without worrying where the money is going to come...
Opening night: a resounding success!

Opening night: a resounding success!

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our launch party and screening of THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL last Friday. The film played to a full house and judging from feedback we’ve received, a good time was had by all: “[C]ongratulations on the launch of the...

It’s official: opening night is SOLD OUT

Thanks to everyone who bought tickets in advance: it promises to be a great night (with barely enough room to swing a samosa*). There will be no tickets for sale on the door, but if you missed out and are keen to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel locally on the big...
Opening tickets selling fast!

Opening tickets selling fast!

We held an open day at the village hall yesterday, selling tickets and running one final technical rehearsal before Friday’s opening performance. It was a great success, and we’re now down to our last few tickets. So if you plan to join us and...